Turēt bērnu rokās un vienlaikus gatavot ēst ir grūti. Taču bērni ir ļoti ziņkārīgi un vēlas redzēt, kas notiek uz virtuves virsmas. Izmantojot kāpslīti, bērns var droši atrasties pie virtuves virsmas, vērot gatavošanas procesu, iesaistīties, un jūsu rokas paliek brīvas!

Atvieglo ikdienas dzīvi

Iespēja bērniem drošā veidā iesaistīties
Ar laiku jūsu mazais palīgs var pat sākt piedalīties un palīdzēt jums veikt mazus un vieglus uzdevumus, tādējādi attīstot viņa motoriskās prasmes un veiklību.
Bērni novērtēs iespēju iesaistīties maltīšu sagatavošanā un spēt sasniegt izlietni, lai pats nomazgātu savus traukus vai auglīti!

Montessori based
The design of the helper tower is based on the basic principle of Montessori pedagogy for developing a child’s independence and involvement in everyday tasks. The convertible helper tower does not take up a lot of space and combines two necessary pieces of children’s furniture into one.

Awarded product
The helper tower - table STEP'n'SIT® has been awarded the 1st place in the “Export and innovation award” category “Industrial design” organized by the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia.

Par Ette Tete
Pirmie kāpslīši un šūpuļi tika izgatavoti mūsu pašu mājas pagrabā - kamēr es pieskatīju bērnus augšējā stāvā, mans vīrs darbojās pagrabā. Ette Tete ir kā ceturtais mūsu bērns, kurš aug kopā ar mūsu dēliem Madaru un Magnusu, un meitu Māru.
Katrs no mūsu produktiem ir unikāls un funkcionāls. Mēs vēlamies radīt jēgpilnus un patiešām noderīgus produktus vecākiem. Katra produkta dizains ir izveidots tā, lai būtu ilgtspējīgs, ar iespēju to nodot nākamajām paaudzēm, daudzfunkcionāls un viegli lietojams ikdienas dzīvē.
Mūsu vērtības
No ģimenes - ģimenei. Mēs paši esam vecāki, tādēļ radām katru lietu ar mīlestību caur savu pieredzi, nodrošinot, ka tā uzlabos jūsu ģimenes ikdienu.
Mēs ticam tādu mēbeļu un rotaļlietu radīšanai, kas aug kopā ar jūsu bērnu un pielāgojas jūsu mainīgajām vajadzībām.
Mūsu radītajām lietām ir savs unikālais dizains, kas atspoguļo to lietderīgumu, multifunkcionalitāti un paliekošu vērtību.
Visi mūsu produkti ir oficiāli pārbaudīti un sertificēti, lai nodrošinātu jūsu bērna labsajūtu un jūsu sirdsmieru.

Patented design & technology
As parents ourselves, we created the helper tower-table solution so families would have a multifunctional furniture that is useful and helpful for both - the parents and the child.
Products design and technology have an officially registered patents and are an intellectual property of Snores Ltd. World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) patent of transformable Helper tower - table STEP'n'SIT® reg. nr. DM/97 068. To read the full patent click here.
Mūsu klientu
May be the answer is here
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the shipping time and cost?
Our products are made to order and our processing time depends on the actual demand. More detailed information about shipping time and cost is available at our Payments and Shipping page
Is the paint child safe?
Yes. All products are painted with water-based UV paint and varnish that are non-toxic.
What’s the age recommendation?
The recommended age for MOPITRI is 12 months, and helper towers STEP UP and STEP'n'SIT it is 18 months.
Kādi ir produktu svara ierobežojumi?
All of our products are certified to withstand 50kg or 110 lbs.
Can I pay with cash on delivery?
No. This option is not available for now. You can pay with credit card, bank transfer or Paypal.
Does Ette Tete deliver to my country?
Yes. We deliver our products worldwide. Anywhere where it’s possible to receive packages and courier post.
Are your products tested?
All of our helper towers have the following standards and certificates: EN 17191:2021 Children’s Furniture. Seating for children. EN 14183:2003 Step stools EN 12520:2015 Furniture. Strength, durability and safety. The activity toys (climbing frames) are tested and certified under European Union Harmonised Standards Toy Safety regulations that are internationally accepted (directive 2009/48/EC). Safety of toys: EN 71-1 Mechanical and physical properties; EN 71-2 Flammability; EN 71-8 Activity toys for domestic use EN 71-3 Migration of certain elements EN 71-9 Safety of toys Organic chemical compounds
Can I add a personalization?
It is possible to personalize the helper towers with a name or a word of your choice. The cost of this service is an additional €8.
Do products come assembled?
No. Our products come disassembled to reduce the cost of transportation and the possibility of damage done while transporting. And they come with an assembly instruction in paper or video format.
How to store the climbing frame while it is not in use?
Climbing frame can be disassembled by unmounting the handles with the threaded rod. This allows you to divide it into sections, which can be easily stored under a bed/behind a closet and in similar places.
How to clean the helper towers and climbing frames?
You can use a damp cloth to clean all of our products whenever it is needed. Make sure it is completely dry before your child starts to use the product again.
If your child pours some liquid on the item, please clean it off as soon as possible to avoid slipping and traumas, as well as to prevent the possible damage of the product.
Please also note that these products are not for outdoor use and rain, cold or direct sunlight can influence the product longevity.